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James Bond, Mission: Impossible and The Best of the Rest - covering spy movies from 1935 to the present - uncovering unique elements, interconnections and how real world events impact what goes into spy movies and lots more.

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Aug 8, 2022

This 13-minute Quick-Fire no-spoiler review of the newest Netflix spy movie, Carter will help you decide if Carter is worth your time.  This Korean movie is a high-action spy thriller that we think you will either love or hate.  We'll help you figure it out!

Our Quick-Fire reviews have no spoilers and are designed to enhance your viewing pleasure if you decide to see the movie. You will get more out of the movie by listening first!

You can listen to more of our podcasts either in your favorite podcast app or on our website's podcast page.

What did you think of this episode, “Carter – A No-Spoiler Review”?  Did it help you decide? If you watched the movie, did our Review enhance your viewing experience?

